Present with God: In my Insecurities

By their very nature our insecurities tell us something that isn't true about ourselves. Most often this causes us to shrink our view of ourselves and our vision of what we can and should be in this world. Insecurities function as weights strapped to our backs; pressing us down...slowing our movement...exhausting us. Small setbacks become unconquerable obstacles. Minor resistance becomes insurmountable oppression. We see ourselves as weak and small. We shrink...we hide...we stay quiet...we keep our head down.

But this is not who you are...this is only how you feel. Your identity is defined by your creator. When we connect with the Divine we see ourselves as he does. We are creatures of immense power and potential. We are kind and compassionate. We are strong and wise. We are able to do and to feel and live and love in ways that are remarkable. We have a capacity that may well be limitless. We have been made for eternity.

We must see ourselves as He made us. Cherished and loved...molded and made by the hands of Infinity. 

Your insecurities tell you a lie that you can choose to reject. 

But you are God's chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. -Peter
