Present with God: In my Design

"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law..." -Galatians 3:13

You were made for something more. You should repeat that to yourself a lot more than you do. If you believe in mantras...that's a good one.

When I say that you were made for something more, it's important to make it clear what I don't mean. I don't mean that you were made to have more money. I don't mean that you were made to be more famous. I don't mean that you were made for a more prestigious job. I don't mean that you were made for bigger houses or better cars or trendier clothes.

What I do mean is that you were designed for infinity & eternity. The brokenness of this world will deceive you. It will cause you to believe that you exist within a finite lifespan in a finite universe that has finite resources. The brokenness of this world will draw your attention to what you don't have or feel. You will feel compelled to strive and struggle to get what you deserve. And in that struggle, you will abandon the greatest capacities that have been designed into your very nature.

You have an infinite capacity for joy and power and peace and love. But this will not come from accumulating or earning. You can't acquire these inner qualities of infinity and eternity for which you have been destined and designed. These are the qualities that are natural to your created state. And they arise once you strip away all the distractions and allow the Designer to work his will in you.

That probably isn't how you experience the world and yourself right now. Where you desire joy, you likely experience discontentment or jealousy or depression. Where you desire power, you likely experience impotence or apathy. Where you desire peace, you likely experience anxiety or fear. Where you desire love, you likely experience anger or resentment or distrust. That's perfect! It means that you are right where God wants you to be.

God's deepest desire is redemption, renewal, and recreation. He loves lost causes. It's kinda His thing.

God loves a makeover. Isn't it time to let Him do his thing?
