Present with God: In my Sleepiness

"Peter and the others had fallen asleep. When they woke up they saw Jesus' glory..." -Luke 9:32

This verse comes right in the middle of the story of Jesus' Transfiguration. Jesus has invited Peter and a couple other select disciples to join him for a time of prayer. There, on the mountain, Jesus revealed the fullness of his glory and had a ministry strategy conversation with Moses and Elijah.

This was the clearest revelation of the divinity of Jesus...and Peter almost slept through it. I can relate.

All too often, God is working a miracle to reveal himself to us and we sleepwalk right past it.

Perhaps we are overwhelmed and distracted by the minutiae of our day-to-day lives. Perhaps we are lost in regrets for our past. Perhaps we are focused on the uncertainty of our future. 

Regardless, the tragedy is that God is constantly declaring and revealing his glory to us if only we would be alert and awake to receive it.

When we maintain a constant awareness of God, we will begin to see these moments of Transfiguration. When we are intentional about being present with God, we will be awake to how he is revealing himself to us. When we make a space for him in our every moment, we begin to see how he fills, redeems, and sanctifies our sleepy heart

God is doing some amazing things right where you are... don’t sleep through it.
