Present with God: In my Witness

"For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. -2 Peter 1:16
The most powerful and persuasive word we can speak is a personal testimony of our time with Jesus. 

Too many of us complicate God's call to spread his message. We get intimidated and become silent instead of being the bold witnesses we know we are called to be. Often this is because we believe that effective gospel witness requires us to have a comprehensive understanding of theology. But in reality, all we need is to have had a personal experience with Jesus. We doubt our ability to answer questions or refute objections and so we leave the work of being a witness to someone else. But Peter reminds us of just how wrongheaded that thinking is.

Peter declares that his message isn't based on sophisticated philosophy or intricate arguments. The message he declares is simply to share what has happened in his life. Peter's message was a simple one. "I spent time with Jesus, and it changed my life. Can I tell you about it?"

Our witness can be just as simple. We must embrace the idea that our story can change someone else's eternity. The powerful impact of having been with Jesus is all that people truly want to hear. We may think that people are brought to faith through apologetics, but most often the path to faith goes through a story. 

If you have been present with Jesus and it has made a difference in your life, then you have a powerful message that someone needs to hear.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Ask God to remind you of how being with Jesus has changed your life. Thank him for how you have been changed by that experience. Ask God to give you the confidence to believe that your experience is the story that someone else needs to hear. Ask him to bring to mind someone who he is preparing to hear your story. Ask him to give you the wisdom to see that opportunity and the courage to simply share your story.  Thank him for the way he has made you aware of his presence during this time.
