Present with God: In my Weakness

"I will boast all the more in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me." -2 Corinthians 12:9

Our weaknesses reveal our dependence on God and provide him the opportunity to most clearly display his power in our lives.

Hiding and minimizing our weaknesses is a short-term strategy that can be effective for a time. We can construct complex coping mechanisms and can we retreat into our bubble of self-sufficiency. But ultimately our cleverly devised world will come crashing down upon us. God has a habit of gently leaning on us until we realize we can't support the weight and we need to lean on him.

When we are honest with God about our weakness we realize the amazing freedom of total dependence on him. In God's presence, we don't have to struggle and strive to make up for what we lack. By being present with God, we hear his gentle affirmation that we are enough...weaknesses and all.

But it is when we truly give up to God's working in our lives that we experience his power displayed in our weakness. It is God's consistent pattern to take the broken and marginalized of this world through which to do his greatest work. When we are truly honest with God in all our weakness and brokenness, we invite him to display his power through us. It is when God's power pours through the weakness of his submitted servants that miracles happen.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Be honest with him about where you feel weak. Invite him into that space and allow him to comfort you with his love and acceptance. Listen as he tells you that your weakness does not disqualify you from being his beloved child. Ask him to take your weakness and use it as an opportunity to reveal his power. Ask God to give you the faith and peace to trust him with your brokenness and expect the miracle that he will work in it. Thank him for the way he has made you aware of his presence during this time.
