Present with God: In my Next Step

"A man's steps are from the Lord; how then can man understand his way?" -Proverbs 20:24

Our responsibility is not to plot the course, but only to follow the Leader.

We all have moments where the next right step isn't entirely clear. Intentional living is often interrupted by moments of confusion and doubt. When we come to these decision points trying to discern God's path for us can often be overwhelming. Sometimes, we are faced with deciding between competing choices. Sometimes, we don't see any good options. Sometimes, we know the next right choice, we just don't want to take it.

It is at these times, that we must draw even closer into connection and community with God's presence. The writer of this proverb doesn't give us a process of decision making. He simply provides us the reminder that our steps come from God.

We may think of ourselves as self-determined and independent but it is God who guides our path. When we are intentionally mindful of his presence we can receive the direction we are lacking and the confidence we need to take the next step. By quieting ourselves in his presence we recognize that our steps are from him and that without him we would be lost.

Being present with God is the best GPS for a wandering soul.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Reveal to him the place where you just aren't sure what the next right step is for you to take. Reflect with him on his faithfulness to lead and guide you to this point. Ask him to reveal to you what the next step is for you. Sit in his presence and allow him to comfort you. Submit to his leading and timing. Thank him for the way he has made you aware of his presence in this time.
