Present with God: In my Love


The degree to which we love others is the clearest indication that we have allowed the grace of God to fully penetrate our hearts.

Too often we can get caught up in projecting an appearance of impact in the world. We post with the right hashtag. We say the right words. We proclaim ourselves an ally of the trendy group in need of our pity. We preen and we prattle. Often we are celebrated and commended for the bravery of our declarations. 

But true change happens in the real world...between real people. The kingdom doesn't come in words...spoken or hyperlinked. The kingdom comes between individuals. When the selfish start making choices to sacrifice for others. When the wronged choose to forgive. When the guilty choose to repent and seek reconciliation. This is the path of sacrifice and selflessness, modeled by Jesus, to which God has called each of us.

It is in the everyday, mundane interactions of life where we allow love to conquer our selfish and striving nature. When that miracle occurs...the transformation of God's grace is most clearly revealed in us. Public advocacy and online influence have a place in the life of the believer to be sure, but never as a replacement for the concrete outworking of grace and charity in our daily lives. 

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Jesus
