Present with God: In my Head Held High

"I broke the yoke of slavery from your neck so you could walk with your heads held high."  -Leviticus 26:13

There is a declaration in this passage that every one of us should claim. In this verse, tucked away in the middle of the Torah, God makes this amazing statement about our past, our present, and our future.

Begin here: God dealt with our yoke. For each of us, there is something that separates us from the freedom and power and peace that God intends for us to have. It may be a habitual sin you are trapped in. It may be an addiction. It may be a cloud of depression or the spectre of anxiety. It may be an unhealthy pattern of behavior in a relationship. It could be an illness that you are struggling with. Whatever, it is, you know that feeling when the weight of it all crushes your neck.

You see, God just doesn't forgive our sin, he cleans our mess. God isn't just the answer to our sin problem, he's the answer to every problem. Whatever situation you are dealing with, that is keeping you from being the person He created you to be...God is the answer. And He doesn't want to just lift the burden off of you.


God intends to give you complete victory. He intends to deliver you from your slavery and into a glorious freedom with Him.

And truly that would be enough. But He ends the verse with the amazing ending. He did it so that we could walk with our heads held high. To someone who has been bent down with a yoke, just standing upright is a revolutionary act. God intends for us to have a posture of victory, not of defeat.

God took a nation of slaves and made them conquerors. He took a shepherd and made him a giant killer. He took a scared teenage girl and made her mother of His Son. He will take you, with all your brokenness and all your yokes and He will break them and allow you to stand up straight again.

Claim this as a promise today!
