Present with God: Holding Hands

"For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, "Fear not, I am the one who helps you." -Isaiah 41:13

There are few things more intimate than holding hands. Just rolling the idea around for a second and my mind is flooded with images.

I have a picture of my son holding hands with a flower girl as he walked up the aisle as a ring bearer for a friend's wedding. I still remember the euphoric mania I experienced around a church camp bonfire when I finally worked up the courage to interlace fingers with the girl I'd been clumsily flirting with all week. I remember walking laps, hand-in-hand, around the Lincoln Christian College chapel with the beautiful young woman that would become my wife. I remember when I reached into the incubator as my newborn daughter struggled to survive her first few days and touching her tiny hand with my index finger.

Hand holding is powerful.

That's why this verse is such a powerful statement. The all-powerful, creator God...the God of the cosmos and the Lord of Heaven...the mighty warrior and dread executor of justice...the One who commands angel armies and slays demons...this God holds your hand.

It's simply mind-blowing.

To the lost and wandering soul, there is a God who will take your hand and lead you out of your confusion and doubt. To the soul paralyzed by fear, there is a God who will take your hand and you will know that you are safe and secure and that nothing can hurt you. To the hurting soul, there is a God who will take your hand and simply sit with you in the pain, knowing what its like to suffer. To the soul that has found the barrier they cannot get over, there is a God who will take your hand and lift you up and over whatever has blocked your path. To the lonely and disconnected soul, there is a God who will hold your hand to let you know that you are not alone.

We have a God of hand-holding.
