Present with God: In my Endurance

"let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith" -Hebrews 12:1-2
The author of Hebrews has spent an entire chapter of his letter detailing the ancient Jewish people's history of faith and faithfulness. Each allusion draws us to the simple proposition that faith gives us the power to persevere when others would lose hope. And this point comes to a towering crescendo as he challenges us to the same faith-animated endurance.

But our endurance isn't based on talent or knowledge or religious performance. Our ability to continue our race is based solely on our ability to remain focused on Jesus. It is those who remain mindfully present with him who endure. 

When we remain mindfully aware of the example of Jesus we receive the power to overcome and endure when others will give up. We remember Jesus' promise that he is always with us. We remember Jesus' example of patience in the face of unjust suffering. We remember Jesus' victory over all the brokenness and opposition of this world. We remember that our lives are a part of a much bigger story of God unfailingly and inevitably restoring and recreating all creation. We remember the promise of the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit. We remember the promise of our own resurrection and reuniting with him forever. 

It is in our focus on the example of Jesus that we find the ability to take our next step.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Be honest with him now about how your race has gotten hard. Allow him to comfort you with his love and rest in his presence. Ask God to fill your mind with a focus on Jesus. Ask him to remind you of his example of power and love and patience and endurance. Ask to hear a word of encouragement from him and spend some time listening to how he responds. Thank him for the way he has made you aware of his presence in this time.
