Present with God: In my Confusion

​The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We don’t know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. -Romans 8:26

There are times in any relationship when you simply don’t know what to say. This can even happen in our prayer life with God.

Perhaps we are frustrated by a difficult relationship and don’t know what the next step is. Perhaps we are confused about our future and where God is leading us. Perhaps we are facing no good options and are paralyzed with regret and fear. We can come to a place of despair and doubt where we sincerely desire to pray, but the words won’t come.

Paul encourages us that it is at this time that we can rely on an unspoken experience of the presence of God‘s Spirit. By being mindfully aware of the Spirit's presence, we can allow him to speak on our behalf.

Primarily, God‘s call isn't to missions or to worship or to discipleship. God first calls us to submission. If the only thing we have to give to God is our confusion, then that is exactly what he wants us to offer him. It is in our total and complete surrender to him that we find that the answer we were searching for what isn't what we really needed.

The peace and contentment we need rarely come from knowing the answer, it more often comes by surrendering and experiencing his presence even in our utter confusion.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Resist the urge to fill the time with your words. Listen for how the Spirit is speaking on your behalf. What situation or question do you need to give to him to speak for you? Open yourself to hear how the Spirit is praying. Make a space to be with Spirit and Father and hear them as they pray over you. Thank him for the way he has made you aware of his presence in this time.
