Present with God: In my Work

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." -Colossians 3:23

Every task in our day is an opportunity to honor God or ignore him.

We are motivated by different things when we enter our work each day. Some of us are motivated by the money we make. Some of us are motivated by the recognition we get. Some of us are motivated by the good that our work accomplishes. But none of these motivations will draw from us our best selves.

Ultimately, we are our best selves at work when we remember that our work is an opportunity for practical worship. Paul challenges us to fix our minds on the presence of God in our daily work life and to go about our tasks with the attitude that God is the ultimate receiver of our work.

Being present with God releases us from the short-term thinking that robs us of joy in our work. Being present with God prevents us from making sinful compromises to get ahead. Being present with God relieves us of the burden to have all the answers and be perfect. Being present with God is an invitation to allow him to be the audience of our work already knowing that he accepts and loves us without condition.

Imagine the result if thousands of Jesus-followers went into their workday with the same energy and passion as their most intimate worship experience. Imagine the undeniable impact it would have on the world if Jesus-followers were obviously motivated by a different and higher standard than everyone else.

Imagine if you entered in every workday being intentionally present with God, empowered and energized by his Spirit, guided by his wisdom, and protected by his strength. How would your next meeting be different? How would your next email be different? How would your next assignment be different?

Every task is an opportunity to honor God or ignore him.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Confess to God the times that you have excluded him from your work. Ask him to make you aware of his presence in your work. Dream together with him how being present with him will transform the experience of your work. Ask him to give you the insight and peace to transform your work into worship. Thank him for the way he has made you aware of his presence during this time.
