Present with God: In my Voices

“whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything” -1 John 3:20

I have a very dysfunctional, bordering on abusive, relationship with the voice in my head. I know the voice and I know its words to me will almost never be congratulatory or affirming. Sometimes, the voice calls me names (“you idiot” is a regular accusation). Sometimes, the voice questions my motives. Sometimes the voice reminds me of the regrets of my past. Sometimes, the voice just paints a grim future of failure. You may have a similar nemesis inside your head as well. It seems like John did.

John points to the reality that from time to time our own heart will rise up to condemn us. John tells us that the antidote to our negative self-talk is to listen past our inner-accuser to search out and hear the voice of God. Of course, we know that God is great than our heart, but too often we allow negative words of our own heart have the loudest voice in our heads. When we hear those internal accusations and condemnations, John calls us to hear the voice of God. By making ourselves intentionally aware of his voice of love and acceptance, we can confront and refute the voice of our inner tormentor.

When we hear that inner voice of condemnation, we need to make ourselves intentionally aware of God’s presence. We need to be mindfully present with him and allow him to remind our hearts of what he knows. He knows that we are his adored child. He knows that we are broken, loves us in our mess, and is making us whole again. He knows all of our past failures and has forgiven every one of them. He knows our future and promises to be intimately present with us every step of the way. He knows us. Not the false us that our heart tries to accuse us of being, but the true us that he created and is creating still.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Reflect on the negative self-talk that you often hear. Confess that you have too often listened to that voice and made it greater than the voice of God. Let God forgive you for not listening to his truth and instead to the voice of your own condemnations. Ask him to make his presence with you obvious. Ask him to remind you of who you truly are and how he truly sees you. Ask God to be the loudest voice in your head. Thank him for the way he has made you aware of his presence during this time.
