Present with God: In my New-Self

"...put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness."
-Ephesians 4:24
I spend way too much time and energy dwelling on my old self. Typically for me, that results in shame. I know all too well the mistakes, failures, and sins I have committed and I can easily get stuck in a vortex of regret and self-condemnation. This verse provides me the theological justification to actually & fully forgive myself.

Part of putting off the old self and putting on the new self is giving ourselves permission to not continue to be the person who failed so spectacularly in the past. God doesn't want us to live in perpetual disgrace and disgust, paralyzed by the failures of our sin. God wants to free us from our guilt and release us to live the lives he always intended for us.

When we get present with God, we see that he isn't reminding us of our past, but is drawing us to our future. Through Jesus' sacrifice, God has fully, finally and eternally dealt with our past. God desires for us to move forward to live the lives of power and joy and peace and love and sacrifice and service that he made us for.

When we are mindfully present with God, we no longer feel the need to defend or justify our past mistakes, even when accused or judged by others because of them. We have the peace to acknowledge the brokenness of that old-self and celebrate that we aren't that person anymore.

Being freed from the failures of our old-self is like taking off a fifty-pound backpack of dead weight that you didn't even know you were carrying. You are no longer defined by the mistakes of your past, you are released to pursue the promise of your future.

Be Present with God

Make some time to be present with God. Celebrate with him the new self that he is creating. Thank him for the way he has fully, finally and eternally dealt with your old self. Meditate on the invitation he is giving you to be truly righteous & holy. Ask him to reveal to you how you can continue to pursue the new-self that he created you to be. Adore him for his amazing grace and eternal love for you. Thank him for the way he has made you aware of his presence during this time.
