Present with God: In my Chaos

‘Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. ‘ -Psalm 91:1

For a song that begins with such a calm opening line, the chaotic content of Psalm 91 is terrifying. Consider the words that confront us as the song progresses: “snare,” “pestilence,” “terror,” “plague,” “harm,” and “disaster.” Despite the chaos of the song’s content, the author begins and ends with pictures of calm and rest. It is a reminder to us that it is possible for us to find a sense of deep peace even in the most chaotic situations.

In the most violent & powerful storms, there is the phenomenon of the storm’s eye. Despite the storm’s swirling winds, raging thunder & punishing waves there exists at its center a place of relative peace and calm. This is the picture we can apply to this Psalm’s invitation.

When we fix our minds on “dwelling” with God we find that he is the calm eye at the center of our storm. When we set aside intentional opportunities to make ourselves mindfully aware of his presence with us we can step out of the chaos into a place of peace. The storm may continue to rage all around, but when we are present with God, we find in a place of refuge and rest in the midst of our chaos.

Being Present with God

As you consider how to respond to this Psalm’s invitation, make some time to be present with God. Thank him that he provides the place of peace and calm despite the chaos that swirls around you. Imagine yourself with God standing in the calm of the eye and instead of being IN your chaos, simply observe it as something that stands apart from both you and God. Ask him to help you find your calm and peace in him and ask him to help you give your chaos away to him and let him take care of it. Thank him for how he has come and comforted you in this time together.
